User Initiated Technology: Why Warby Parker Built a Culture of Self-Service: Part 1 of 3

In case you missed it, I recently presented at the 2018 MacAdmins Conference at Penn State University. My talk was, “User Initiated Technology: Why Warby Parker Built a Culture of Self-Service,“, which focused on the growth and development of a self-service culture to better serve both our employees and create a more efficient workflow for our IT team.
For those of you who weren’t able to make it, or those of you interested in revisiting what I had to share, read this three part series:

MacAdmins @ PSU escalation script

Hi All! I received a lot of inquires after presenting at the MacAdmins @ PSU conference today for my admin escalation script. Here's the code below: It does rely on Jamf Helper but you can swap that line with Cocoa Dialogue or AppleScript. I'll write a more formal post about my talk in the …

Continue reading MacAdmins @ PSU escalation script